All contents copyright 2014 and before by KC Jones. All rights reserved. No duplication in any form allowed without written permission.

In silencing the noises and clearing the mind, the heart embraces the beauty of nature and all her inhabitants. The miracle of changing seasons, the mating rituals, the beginning and ending life cycle, the vocal messages echoing through the trees, the smells carried on the wind, and from the first peek of the sun stretching across the sky to its final wink as it disappears are all proof that life truly is a spiritual journey. I invite you to share in my photo adventures and I hope they serve as reminders of the mystery and magic all around us.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Pelicans - A Day in the Life

Just as we humans have our daily routines which seldom vary, so do our feathered friends.
The morning sun softly winks awake and smiles down upon the resting pelicans.
The first to awaken gently shields the light from her friend;
allowing her a few more minutes to enjoy a dream. 
The sounds of morning can no longer be ignored.
Eyes slowly open to greet a new day.
Like paper clips to a magnet...heads stretch towards the heavens
and yawns begin.
"Yuck!!! I can still taste that late night fish snack!"
"Just a FEW more minutes, pahleeze!!!!"
"I think a mosquito just bit me on the head!"
"I think one got me on the neck!"
"Would everybody please SHUT UP!  I have a migraine!!!"
"Alright everybody...into the tub we go!"
"Last one in likes rotten fish!"
"Man, it's cold!"
"Maybe rotten fish doesn't taste THAT bad!"
"Not so cold once you get used to it."
"Whoa! I feel a draft!"
"Dibs on the log!"
"Oh, how magnificent I look in the morning glow."
"Why do I ALWAYS have trouble drying this one wing?"

"I sure wish I had hands!"

"There's always ONE place that's impossible to reach!"

"And they wonder why I have neck problems!"
"A little privacy, please!"
"Feather cleaning ain't easy, ya know!"
"Oops!  Didn't mean to pluck that one!"
"You're such a dear to scratch my itch."
And, for some reason, after each preening period, the pelicans begin flapping their
bills back and forth, making a noise that sounds like baseball cards in a bicycle spoke.
It's fascinating to not only hear...but to watch what occurs:
Sounds painful...
looks painful...
and though I'm not sure of it's purpose...not a day goes by when it doen't occur. 
Another fascinating daily ritual!  (These were taken on different days because I
get too busy watching them to bother with taking pictures.)
You can always tell when it's time to eat because
a small group at a time make their way to a certain area,
signaling to the others that it's time to eat.
They first "huddle" into groups like a football team...somehow communicating
where the fish are, who will lead and in which direction.
They form two or three long lines (depending upon how many there are)
and begin swimming in circles...running the fish together.
Heads go down...
and rear ends go up!
The ritual is repeated until everyone is full.
Well, you know, there's always ONE who NEVER gets their fill!
And just like us, they enjoy a good nap after a good meal!
The eldest falls asleep quickly.
The middle ager takes a little longer.
And the kids just pretend to sleep!
Throughout the day the rituals
until the Man in the Moon spreads his blanket over them for another night.
Friends go their separate ways.
Lovers say a sad "Good bye."
Couples hug
and kiss...
before one last yawn
as bachelorettes 
and bachelors
head out for a night on the town!

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