All contents copyright 2014 and before by KC Jones. All rights reserved. No duplication in any form allowed without written permission.

In silencing the noises and clearing the mind, the heart embraces the beauty of nature and all her inhabitants. The miracle of changing seasons, the mating rituals, the beginning and ending life cycle, the vocal messages echoing through the trees, the smells carried on the wind, and from the first peek of the sun stretching across the sky to its final wink as it disappears are all proof that life truly is a spiritual journey. I invite you to share in my photo adventures and I hope they serve as reminders of the mystery and magic all around us.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Beauty in My Own Backyard

    Today while thumbing through my photos, I realized just how much beauty can
        be found in my own "backyard"...meaning around the Dallas area. 
Colors of a crisp autumn morning.
"Anybody lookin'?"
Love on a wire.
How sweet it is!
Robins enjoying a puddle of water!
I bet he's wishing I'd take his picture "never more!"
A wood duck's palette.
The gentle stare of a Killdeer.
Taking time to just chill.
An Eastern Phoebe in no hurry to go anywhere.
Spotting a new kind of hybrid duck
and trying to figure out which two species mated to create this one!
(I've NEVER seen a tail like that on any kind of duck!)
An American Kestrel keeping a look out.
I've yet to find what kind of bird this is, but he was sitting so still that I figured
he was obviously offering to pose for me so who am I to not oblige him?!
I love Blue Jays, even though they're hard to photograph because they're so skiddish.
A skilled balancing artist.
The delicate dragonfly.
Ah, the warmth of the sun on your back.
Cooling off with friends.
A camera shy Muscovy hybrid.
Not your average looking grasshopper, is it?!
A busy bee doing what it does best!
Why did the peacock cross the road?
(Every once in a while on the backside of White Rock Lake we'll see several peacocks
just struttin' around. We haven't figured out where they stay, but it's fun to watch them!)
Can you find the pair of hidden eyes peeking out at you?
Red...white...and blue!
I know...spiders make me cringe, too, but they're still fascinating.
It looks like she's walking on air.
A flock of Great Egrets awaiting sunset at White Rock Dam.
This hawk turned around as if to say: "Yes, I see you standing behind me!"
A juvenile Mockingbird contemplating flying.
A squawking Red Winged Blackbird.
A beautiful Scissortail.
A seagull enjoying a China berry.
Wonder who ruffled her feathers?!
A curious Starling finding out that plastic isn't very tasty!
And, of course, my favorites...the Woodpeckers: Downy Woodpecker
the Red Bellied...although its belly isn't red...
but it has a red streak from the beak across the skull and down its neck!
And then there's the actual
Red Headed Woodpecker whose head is completely red. 
I've only seen it a couple of times and it's soooo small that it's hard to see
and even harder to photograph.
 At least I got a couple of decent shots, so let's see ...
if you can find it!
I bet you'll need a magnifying glass to find him in this one!
Life goes by so quickly and I hope that each day
you acknowledge the simple beauty in nature's
every day miracles that surround you.

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