All contents copyright 2014 and before by KC Jones. All rights reserved. No duplication in any form allowed without written permission.

In silencing the noises and clearing the mind, the heart embraces the beauty of nature and all her inhabitants. The miracle of changing seasons, the mating rituals, the beginning and ending life cycle, the vocal messages echoing through the trees, the smells carried on the wind, and from the first peek of the sun stretching across the sky to its final wink as it disappears are all proof that life truly is a spiritual journey. I invite you to share in my photo adventures and I hope they serve as reminders of the mystery and magic all around us.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Good Day Sunshine

Even when my internal atmosphere is jumbled and chaotic and gloomy...
a bright invitation from the sun is most welcoming and I excitedly join the
animal kingdom as they celebrate a long-awaited glorious day.
A Great Blue Heron glides from tree top to tree top,
displaying her delicate balancing act
until she is sure-footed...but soon spies something that catches her fancy
and off she goes.
Cormorants soaking up the warmth as playful sea gulls flit about
and loudly enjoy a game of chase.
An American Kestrel (also known as grasshopper hawks) waits patiently...
watching with keen eyes for any movement below...and then
catches a juicy grasshopper...carries it to a safe location...and enjoys his snack. 
Then he returns to his wire...first giving me a stearn look as if to say:
"This is MY grasshoppers for you!"

A red-shouldered hawk lands in a nearby tree
and snuggles down for a short rest.
A family of turtles sun themselves.
A red-winged blackbird enjoys the coolness of the leaves before
perching on a branch...shouting "Good morning" for all to hear.
I was watching this pair of Greater Scaup enjoying the weather
when I heard the distinct call of a hawk.  I turned around and looked in all the
trees and it took me several minutes to locate him
due to his being cleverly camaflouged in this berry tree.  But as I was photographing him,
I heard the same call and realized it was coming from across the road so I hurried over
and found this pretty lady.  I saw more hawks in this one day than I have the last
several months put together. I guess it's because the sun is out and they can spot
their prey easier. Or...maybe they just enjoy a beautiful day like I do!
The ever shy Black-crowned Night Heron even came out to soak up some sun...
as did this colorful pigeon - whose kind I enjoy photographing -
though my husband says it's a waste of film!
The geese, like this White Chinese, were out honking for food
and were NOT happy (like this Greater White Fronted hybrid) that I came empty handed!
This Brown & White Chinese was smart enough to just stay afloat to see if it was
worth her time to come on land...and, of course, it wasn't!
There were little birds close to the ground
and hefty squirrels overhead.
There were Cormorants
and Coots drying their wings
and this Mallard cleaning his. (I wish I could have gotten a closer photo because
I LOVE how the sun and shadows have colored his bill and feathers.)
And, of course, my beloved White Pelicans who will soon be flying north.
I do so enjoy enjoy watching them
play with toys...
hop onto logs...
keep their balance...
do funny things with their mouth...
and the sound of webbed feet walking on water
as one takes off...
then two more...

immediately followed by all his buddies...
as across the lake they head

until the last one is gone.
Yes, this beautiful day has been a welcomed respite as I return to "my life"
carrying warm memories of Mother Nature.

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