All contents copyright 2014 and before by KC Jones. All rights reserved. No duplication in any form allowed without written permission.

In silencing the noises and clearing the mind, the heart embraces the beauty of nature and all her inhabitants. The miracle of changing seasons, the mating rituals, the beginning and ending life cycle, the vocal messages echoing through the trees, the smells carried on the wind, and from the first peek of the sun stretching across the sky to its final wink as it disappears are all proof that life truly is a spiritual journey. I invite you to share in my photo adventures and I hope they serve as reminders of the mystery and magic all around us.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

What A Day For A Daydream

Today was a beautiful day so I went on a daydream.
 I traveled back in time
to when I was young and carefree..
 unconcerned about only in the moment.
I felt invincible...
believed in mystical places,
magical beings
and angels.
I never worried about where my next meal would come from
or where I would lay my head when the darkness came.
 I wasn't one of the "pretty people" - and I didn't strive to be!
 I was tall and thin
and the biggest thing about me was my teased hair...
(done so to cover my big ears!)
though my dad would say it was my mouth!
I did then...and still bright colors...on walls...clothes...paintings...and eyes!
My dream was to fall in love and get married,
have two children - a girl and a boy,
live in a small city,
and have lots of friends.
What a wonderful daydreaming morning I've had.
 I realized that all my childhood dreams have come true...with one exception: 
none of the children's books I've written have been published.
The dream lives on...
as does my belief in mystical places, magical beings and angels.
So each day as you awaken...
call forth any unfulfilled dreams you may have...
no matter how old the dream is...
how deep the dream is hidden...
how big the dream is...
or how impossible the dream may seem.
It doesn't matter if anyone else believes in the dream...
it's yours
and you dreamed it for a reason.

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