All contents copyright 2014 and before by KC Jones. All rights reserved. No duplication in any form allowed without written permission.

In silencing the noises and clearing the mind, the heart embraces the beauty of nature and all her inhabitants. The miracle of changing seasons, the mating rituals, the beginning and ending life cycle, the vocal messages echoing through the trees, the smells carried on the wind, and from the first peek of the sun stretching across the sky to its final wink as it disappears are all proof that life truly is a spiritual journey. I invite you to share in my photo adventures and I hope they serve as reminders of the mystery and magic all around us.

Saturday, May 5, 2012


There are defining moments in each life...
moments of pause and deep reflection;
seeking a glimpse of the bigger picture...
unsure of the right direction.
You feel like you're clinging on for dear life...
wanting to...from the and hide;
putting on a brave face for all to see...
though riding an emotional roller coaster inside.
You just don't feel like yourself...
your load seems too heavy to bear;
you feel selfish for feeling alone
when there's so many people who care.
Everything seems askew...
like a kite twisted around a wire;
sleep seems to be the only time
you don't feel stuck in the muck and mire.
Then slowly you exit the internal fog
with a breath of gratitude and a smile across your face...
thankful to...once "you"
though the shadow of the experience - you cannot erase.
And as you find your strength and clarity returning
as the dawn of a new day does start
say a prayer for your blessings of family and friends
who are linked to you heart-to-heart.

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