All contents copyright 2014 and before by KC Jones. All rights reserved. No duplication in any form allowed without written permission.

In silencing the noises and clearing the mind, the heart embraces the beauty of nature and all her inhabitants. The miracle of changing seasons, the mating rituals, the beginning and ending life cycle, the vocal messages echoing through the trees, the smells carried on the wind, and from the first peek of the sun stretching across the sky to its final wink as it disappears are all proof that life truly is a spiritual journey. I invite you to share in my photo adventures and I hope they serve as reminders of the mystery and magic all around us.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Go Fish Tug-of-War

So I'm enjoying the pelicans posing
and enjoying their attempts to maneuver through the rushing tide
as they head out to find an afternoon snack
when I hear a commotion by the fishing pier. I hurry over to find
various pelicans who have tired from fighting the waves
and determined it easier to snatch
a fish already caught and being reeled in!
(I apologize that some of these shots are blurred but everything was happening so fast!)
Notice the guy on the left...
he decided this fish would be the perfect snack
and refused to give it up.
The fisherman, however, is equally determined
to win this tug-of-war even though the fish is now half-way down the pelican's throat!
All he can do now is cut the line
and return the winner to the battle ground where he
performs a victory dance
for all to see before
heading back to the shore
to dry his wings
and digest his prize!

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